Monday, May 29, 2006

This is another from "Far Away." It's a bowler hat with a plastic plant on top of it. It was a little difficult to wear simply because the plant was heavy and would list to one side or the other. It's called "Rene" after Rene Magritte. It lives on a bookshelf in my bedroom, and casts creepy shadows on the walls.

I designed the hats for "Far Away" in three ways. Some I actually thought of--i.e. designed, "I'd like to make a hat that looks like this," and found the pieces I needed. This was one of those. I just saw this in my head, the plant on the bowler.

After I'd designed several like that I went shopping. I walked through Home Depot, dollar stores, toy stores, craft stores, and simply bought things that struck me as interesting. Some things suggested hats when I saw them--the silver vent tubing of "Sultan Blue" for instance, and some I just brought home and started playing.

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