Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Ammo and Glass

I went back and forth on calling this one Army Dreamers after the Kate Bush song or Ammo and Glass. I did convince the sound designer to use Experiment IV as the ending music (credit music? exit music?) for the lines, "They told us/what they wanted/was a sound that could kill someone/from a distance/so we go ahead/and the metres are over in the red," thus getting in my Kate tribute. It's a plastic bowl, plant fronds (and fake fiddle heads--a creepy plant to me), glass stones and a bias strip cut from some other project. Again, a hard hat to wear in the show, but then so are real army helmets (wore one in a show, almost concussed myself every night). In the end the title is an homage to Wizard and Glass by Stephen King, part of the Dark Tower set. A glass helmet would be very foolish, yes? Sometimes though, on the right actor all I could think of was Arte Johnson in Laugh In, peering from around the bushes, "Vewy Intewesting." And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how my mind works.

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