Monday, June 12, 2006

Alien Landscape

Ok, so this is me in a hat I made for Far Away called Alien Landscape. This was for an interview in a Boston free "scene" magazine to promote the play. The interviewer is a local playwright. We didn't meet--he interviewed me on the phone and then later a photographer came to rehearsals. I added the tilt when scanning this. I've removed my name to avoid stalkers, although I've been working on an acting webpage for some time where I'll have my name and face, so I'm not sure why. I like this picture, though I would have loved to have seen the others he took.

I've also added a small shot of Alien Landscape from the top. It's a plastic platter on a bridal headpiece and the objects were in a bag of mixed potpourri--very organic and fun. I meant it to be worn at a rakish angle, but it often went through the parade flat on top of someone's head because it was easier to wear. Most people don't realize that those elaborate headdresses of show girls and Carmen Miranda are extremely heavy to counterbalance.

As a side note Blogspot was highlighting a page called A Dress a Day, so perhaps someday...

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