Friday, June 16, 2006

Pier 1 Straw Hat

Thought it was about time to show a hat I really do wear. Self-portrait at work today--someday I'll get myself together and Photoshop my lovely office out of the picture, but not today. Once upon a time Pier 1 sold clothing. It was a very brief time, but during that moment I bought two straw hats. This is one. It's getting a little beat up because in winter I store it in a hat box which is just a little too small. I need to repair it in front. It has a big straw bow on the back. I really love this hat and it usually gets a lot of praise (except from people on the train--I think they think I'm going to bump into them with it.) The people in Shino Express--my favorite Sushi haunt--seemed alarmed by it too, so I held it. Shino is about the size of some people's bathrooms. I'm not kidding. It seats 6 at the bar and maybe a further 10 in seats if you don't mind bumping elbows. They remodeled and I think it became smaller. It's the best Sushi on Newbury St. in my opinion, maybe in the city, and everyone goes there. Express it isn't, at lunch at least. 20 minute wait. I usually place my order and run errands, like to the library and come back.

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